With the 2013 purchase of its Arsenal on the Charles campus, athenaHealth embarked on a 10 year plan for creating a vibrant workplace and cultural hub for the Greater Boston community. Winner of many employer awards, including Boston Business Journal’s Best Place to Work 2015, athena is renowned for its open, flexible, employee-centered culture. 

The Corporate Tour Tower, consisting of five LCD touch screen Christie MicroTiles housed in a vertical display, is designed to be interactive - engaging clients and visitors alike while highlighting each department’s role at athenaHealth. The screen’s functionality and information architecture designed by Peter Lyons are all carefully crafted to be brand oriented, user-friendly, compelling and informative.

In developing content, our process began with focusing on how to convey engaging stories that are directly connected to employee experience at athenaHealth, as a means of highlighting company culture and shared values. The model is designed to deliver tailored messaging, and foster collaboration and learning.

aterials & Methods and Peter Lyons designed this system of communication to create a framework that could easily be updated and changed, providing athena with an information model and simple templates to produce their own content on an ongoing basis.

As part of a continuing effort to apply “design thinking” strategies to workplace development, athena engaged Materials & Methods and Peter Lyons Design to rethink their systems of employee and visitor communication. Collaborating closely with Peter Lyons Design, our team provided athena with two distinct prototype digital media installations, each designed to enhance the workplace experience.

The second prototype is a projection installation located in the main dining area at the center of the campus and is designed to be part of an internal communications network. Two projectors are lined up to create an overlapping visual, that fills a 20’ by 11’ foot wall. Surface depth was added by creating three sculptural elements to function as callout boxes. Working with Peter Lyons, Materials & Methods developed a strategy for content delivery while providing athena with eight distinct content packages.